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Work of the Management Committee.


The WCSS Committee is elected by the members to manage the affairs of the society throughout the year. Any WCSS member wishing to stand for election to the committee may do so by formal application not less than 14 days before the AGM. Applications consist of a resume accompanied by a proposer and seconder (also members of WCSS).

The Committee usually has two full meetings in place per year, one preceding the AGM and one after the shooting season ends (so, will usually be during February). A further meeting or two may be held on an ‘as required’ basis.

However, WCSS is a busy Society and committee members are involved on a fairly constant basis, communicating through the committee’s closed Facebook group, be e-mail and in telephone discussions. Often committee members are involved with meeting other clubs and organisations, canine health bodies and game fair organisers. Committee members usually bear their own expenses unless circumstances are essential.

Committee Members

( Balzac)

Health Advisory Panel

In January 2018 the WCSS launched their Health and Breeding Sub-committee which is so important that we felt is should be re branded as Health Advisory Panel.
The objectives include communicating breeding strategies and health issues, liaising with the CSC and the KC, promoting health testing, being a point of call for queries and to communicate and action the Breed Conservation Plan once this is launched.

The members are:

Barbra Brown (Chair)

Dr Lizzie Kwint BVetMed MBA (open) MRCVSDr Lizzie Kwint
Carol Page (Breed Health Co-ordinator with the KC)

Denise Barstow

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