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Health & Breeding


WCSS Health Advisory Panel


The Society has an Advisory Panel to represent the health of the working Clumber spaniel and to encourage responsibility in breeding practices. Its work is hugely assisted by an excellent relationship with the Kennel Club Genetics center.


As in many breeds, a considerable amount of speculation is generated by self –appointed experts. WCSS will always work with professional genetic advice from people well experienced in the nuance required when dealing with rare breeds.


With a small gene pool, Clumber spaniels need to maintain genetic diversity, balancing this with retaining breed type and working characteristics. It’s a fascinating and complex science and our advisory panel listens very closely to the advice of professional canine scientists.


WCSS members are always advised, not compelled, in their breeding practices. We welcome informed, diverse strategies from breeders and encourage sharing of ideas in a constructive manner.


The advisory panel is practical and pragmatic with a good understanding of the challenges facing the breed. Dr Lizzie Kwint BVetMed MBA (open) MRCVS, Denise Barstow and Breed Health Co-ordinator Carol Page along with chair Barbara Brown make up a very strong team committed to the breed, and especially to the working dog.




Contact the Health Advisory Panel for individual advice on Health and Breeding




EIC Fact sheet


HIp and Elbow Dysplasia


Genetic Diversity


Advise on choosing a puppy


  Health Advisory panel contact







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Kennel Club Registered Number 672

Email :

Tel : 07900581695



© 2019 Working Clumber Spaniel Society

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