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Breakingcover 9th of March 2020




A meeting of the committee was held on 8th March. This was a meeting very much in the shadow of the recent tragedy around Debbie and John Zurick which has hit all of us so very hard.

Each committee member had carefully considered their own position before the meeting and, for a variety of reasons connected to the tragedy, its aftermath and personal situations, each has decided not to stand for re-election at the AGM on 19th April.

As the Society moves into a new development phase this is an opportunity for a refreshed and renewed committee to play its part in the continued rise of the working Clumber, guided by the established objects of the Society (see item 1 in the Society rules)

This means that applications are invited from members wishing to serve next year as officers or committee member/officers. The positions to be elected by show of hands at the AGM are;


Chairman Honorary Secretary Honorary Treasurer


An additional Five Committee members in total

This makes a total of 8 posts available for election.

Note that some functions will also need to be replaced within the committee. So candidates applying for any of the posts may also indicate that they would be willing to take on one or more of the following functions

Field Trial Secretary Membership Secretary Breaking Cover e-news

Extra points to bear in mind;

The Membership Secretary role sits well with Treasurer or Honorary Secretary as there is a lot of overlap and communication required between those functions. The Membership Secretary also provides the e-mail distribution list to the person writing Breaking Cover. The chairman of any subcommittee (we have two -Breed Health or Test Trials & Training sub-committee) must be a main committee member as stated Rule 3 para 5 Financial and membership records are on EXCEL software so experience of this, and a copy of the software would be an advantage. The Hon Treasurer should have the technical ability to present simple but clear and accurate accounts to the committee and membership

How to make your application

A number of people have already indicated that they have an interest. Please send a formal application with a brief resume of relevant experience where applicable you would like noted on e-mail to Andy Hales (Chairman) . If you wish to discuss anything you can call Andy on 01922 417096.

For the sake of completeness anyone who has previously indicated interest to any of the committee should submit a formal application to Andy. He will be chairing the meeting on the day.

Your application must be received by the Chairman no later than 4th April 2020.

All applications will require a proposer and a seconder. Both must be fully paid up members and can be named in your application or called for at the meeting.


As if life was not confusing enough, we would point out that two groups of people that have recently sprung up could confuse members and the wider public-

“Clumber Spaniel Health UK” is not affiliated to the Kennel Club an is an unregulated body of people. There is no reason to pay money or share data with them. Only The Clumber Spaniel Club and The Working Clumber Spaniel Society are KC regulated and they are working together through the official Breed Health co-ordinator Carol Page, KC geneticists and The Animal Health Trust.

“The Working Clumber Spaniel Association” – The name and style of this facebook group copies WCSS and might confuse those looking for The Working Clumber Spaniel Society. Again, the self-styled Association is not KC registered or regulated.


Please pay any outstanding subscriptions now… it will greatly help the Society in its admin at a difficult time. A big thank you to the vast majority of members who have made sure they are fully paid up without a need to chase.

SEE YOU AT THE AGM at The Glebe Field Centre Derbyshire DE4 5EU. Sunday 19th April 11am start. Agenda will be issued shortly

We hope that the AGM will be very well attended at this important time in the Society’s development It would be great to see you there.


John Smith-Bodden

Hon Treasurer & Membership Secretary


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