The Kennel Club AV Spaniel (ex Cocker & ESS) Trial was held at Egton Estate, North Yorkshire by kind permission of Mr & Mrs Foster and keepers Mr A Orr and Mr M Campbell.
The fallen bracken and marshy grassland on the fringes of the moor was the perfect ground for the minor breed spaniels to demonstrate their hunting abilities. The game was evenly spaced and each of the dogs and handlers had the opportunity to show themselves to their best.
The judges Mr S Winspear and Mr P Matthews judged the dogs fairly and positively throughout the day and we must thank them for their time and expertise.
The guns shot well over the dogs and thanks must also go to them for contributing to the day.
The results are as follows:
1st (and gun’s choice) - Mr A Parker’s Clumber Parkforth Woodland Warrior
2nd - Mr A Parker’s Clumber Parkforth Rock and Roll
3rd - Mr M Rydzewski’s Clumber Parkforth Lark
CoM - Mr J Smith-Bodden’s Clumber Huddlestone Dear Prudence, handled by Mr R Ellershaw

We would just like to say a big thankyou to Kate Broers Kennel Club Field Trial Secretary for he continued support of our minority breed dogs.
Written by the Kennel Club
Edited by Sarah Watters-Carver